- Teal'c (played by Christopher Judge)
- Age: over 90 (looks 30-35); Carries a Goa'uld symbiote (he is immune to most diseases and has an incredibly fast healing ability)
- Homeplanet: Chulak
- Status: Active Duty Joint Forces Unit SGC
- Current Assignment: Team SG-1
- Background Information: Jaffa (a race of aliens serving the Goa'uld); Former Apophis' Prime (leader of Apophis Royal guard); Former Jaffa Serpent Guard
- Standing Orders: Defend earth from possible hostile invasion. Explore new worlds and return new technologies military or otherwise for study and further development. Give known knowledge of other worlds.
- Previous Service/Special training: Unknown; Bra-tac was his mentor
- Personal Status: Marital Status: Married, Dry-auc; Children (1), Rya'c